web disk file which pays for data storage and uses for archiving.

Usually, when it comes to webhard, you can find two meanings.

Webhard, which pays for data storage and uses for archiving.

It is a webhard that purchases and uses the data uploaded by the uploader registered as a seller.

But the webhard I take advantage of has the benefits of both webhard.

So Let me recommend you a webhard.

The webhard I recommend is called 'Netfile'.

Unlike other Webhard, where only the members who requested the upload can upload.

Anyone can upload this place without applying.

It's also characterized by the truth that it's being serviced by way of a dedicated program.

So what makes this place so special?

Let's start recommending web hard disks.

Webhard recommendation reason number one! Subscribe to NetFile and install a dedicated program.

When I sign in, I notice the menu called [My Webhard].

This is a space for storage available to all members.

If you upload the PC's data here, it is possible to share the data.

Webhard recommendation reason number 2! One of the most important factors in uploading the info is...

It is that there is no limit to storage capacity or duration.

So once you've shared the info,

Because it's old, or because it's big,

It's not going to be deleted.

Maybe that's why we have the latest data here, needless to say.

It is simple to find classical materials.

Actually, there are a great number of materials on the net file.

Webhard recommendation reason number 3! It looks much like Windows Explorer.

It's convenient to create folders, move materials, etc.

It's easy to manage the info, right?

Then shall we find out how to upload the data?

The upload method is actually simple.

You can go through the file you need to upload from your own PC and drag it to My Webhard.

Then the file transfer program will run automatically.

I can upload it.


But I have to upload it myself to have the data on my webhard.

It's not something you can keep.

Copy other member's material you've seen through search, etc.

I could keep it like my data.

You don't need to download it to keep the data.

The data uploaded such as this is not automatically shared.

You need to specify whether to share through folder sharing settings.

I can share it.

In the event that you just upload it and don't set it up, it will not be shared at all, so remember~

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